Nov 14, 2023
Themes: Nervous system regulation, chronic stress and pain, brain-body connection, trauma
How much of your chronic pain is actually neurons in your brain that are misfiring because of stress and nervous system dysregulation? Psychotherapist John Gasiencia joins Lindsay to discuss how trauma affects the physical body and how he helps clients at the Pain Psychology Center to break free from the patterns of pain and stress through Pain Reprocessing Therapy.
John Gasienica is a psychotherapist and coach specializing in the treatment of chronic pain and anxiety using Pain Reprocessing Therapy. He is the Director of Development at the Pain Psychology Center in Los Angeles and a research clinician studying the effects of Pain Reprocessing Therapy with the University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine.
Show Notes:
-An intro to John and how he became involved at the Pain Psychology Center where he is now the Director of Development
-Exploring the connection between mental health and physical health
-Neuroplasticity and the connection between chronic pain and the nervous system
-The effect of stress, subconscious beliefs and trauma (big T or little t) has on our physical well being; explaining the process of our brain perceiving danger in everyday things, leading to nervous system dysregulation, which can lead to physical pain that is actually misfiring neurons in the brain
-How stress can show up in the body
-John diving into pain reprocessing therapy, a modality developed by Alan Gordon that they both practice at the Pain Psychology Center
-How those with chronic symptoms have unconsciously developed a hypersensitivity to perceived danger, and how pain reprocessing therapy can help work through that
-John describing tools he personally uses to stay regulated; how he helps clients stay “connected to their internal state”
-What to expect if you are starting pain reprocessing therapy
-Follow John on Instagram here
-Use code Reset5 to get Vital-Side’s Reset Program for $5 (until 11/20)
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-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside
-Visit Lindsay’s Website
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-Click here for Cait’s FREE Masterclass
*ALL the content talked about in these episodes should not be used as medical advice. These episodes are to be used for informational purposes only.