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Rewire The Podcast

Dec 26, 2023

Themes: New Years’ resolutions/intentions, Nervous System Regulation


What would happen if instead of setting resolutions for yourself for the new year, you set intentions? Lindsay walks us through an exercise that she herself has been using for the past few years. Gain perspective on the lessons you learned this year, how you spent your energy, and what intentions you want to set for 2024. 

Show Notes:

-Stepping into a introspective space for the end of the year 

-Becoming aware of how you have been spending your energy this year 

-Lindsay guides listeners through an exercise to help you set intentions for the new year instead of resolutions; the difference between the two and why taking this approach is helpful and important 

-What to do once you identify these intentions 

-Book recommendations from Lindsay to help you reset for 2024


-Follow Rewire on Instagram here

-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside

-Visit Lindsay’s Website

-Cait’s Instagram: 

-Click here for Cait’s FREE Masterclass

*ALL the content talked about in these episodes should not be used as medical advice. These episodes are to be used for informational purposes only.