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Rewire The Podcast

Nov 30, 2021

Neurologist, Dr. Philippe Douyon, dives into the complex and sometimes elusive concept of Neuroplasticity. He also goes through his personal journey of healing and exploring the mind-body connection. Through the lens of resiliency, we explore the ways we can use the power of Neuroplasticity to believe and shape our reality, discover how past traumas are affecting our current healing journey, and take on a more proactive mindset to better our health. 

Dr. Philippe Douyon, MD is a board-certified Neurologist and has improved people’s health and life by teaching them how to become the leaders their brains need them to be. Through resiliency and tapping into the mind-body connection, Dr. Douyon was able to overcome and heal from kidney failure, COVID, dialysis, and a kidney transplant. He is also the author of “Neuroplasticity: Your Brain’s Superpower” and the creator of the online course, “Take Charge of Your Brain, a Guide to Making a Profound Difference In Your Health and Your Life.” 

Show Notes:

-Dr. Douyon’s journey of overcoming COVID and kidney failure and what resilience means to him 

-Practical tools to further those big picture goals in times of struggle 

-What if people had tools at their fingertips to believe in what they’re feeling and to shape their reality? 

-Expanding on the science of Western Medicine through Neuroplasticity 

-How trauma informs healing through the mind-body connection 

-Embodying a proactive mindset and maintaining habits to build resiliency 

-The benefits of a supportive community 

-How foods can impact our brain, and therefore our ability to heal 


-Dr. Philippe Douyon’s Book

-Dr. Philippe Douyon’s Online Course

-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco

-Cait’s Website

-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside

-The Vital-Side Membership

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