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Rewire The Podcast

Jan 2, 2024

Themes: Mind-Body Connection, Nervous System Regulation, Entrepreneurship


In a society that values the connection we have to our minds the most and often puts the connection we have to our bodies on the back burner, how do you make it a priority in your life to keep that connection healthy and strong? Lindsay and Cait discuss how you can strengthen, or even begin building, the connection you have to your own body. Learn tools on how to make time every day to listen and respond to your body’s unique messages.

Show Notes:

-Cait invites you to book an Enrollment call with her & her colleague, (and past Rewire guest) Laura Larios to learn more about their NeuroSomatics Certification program and explore if it’s a fit for you!

-Creating space, time, and curiosity to explore sensations in your body

-Learning the unique “language” of your body; trusting your intuition and gut instincts 

-Recognizing the separation of messages from your mind and your body; they are each their own entity even though they are always communicating

-Our bodies are all about emotions and sensations; they don’t attach meaning to them- that is something our minds do 

-Lindsay and Caits’ practical tools to set aside time in your daily life to foster this connection to your body and begin learning how to listen and respond to the messages it sends you


-Follow Rewire on Instagram here

-Click here for more information on The Neurosomatics Certification Program (as mentioned in the episode)

-Cait’s Instagram: 

-Click here for Cait’s FREE Masterclass

-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside

-Visit Lindsay’s Website

*ALL the content talked about in these episodes should not be used as medical advice. These episodes are to be used for informational purposes only.