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Rewire The Podcast

Jan 30, 2024

Themes: Nervous System Regulation, Entrepreneurship, Self Development


If you are a loyal listener of Rewire, you have definitely heard Cait and Lindsay speak about nervous system regulation…but have you ever wondered how exactly it can change and improve your everyday life? In this episode, Cait gives us five concrete ways that committing to nervous system work can uplevel your life. 

Show Notes:

-Cait invites you to book an Enrollment call with she & her colleague,  Laura Larios, to learn more about their Neurosomatics Certification Program and explore if it’s a fit for you!

-The prevalence of living in fight-or-flight in our society 

-Number one on Cait’s list: wellbeing and vitality; physical health; overcoming the stress response in our bodies

-Number two: increasing our capacity for creativity; opening up the door to innovation, especially for entrepreneurs; making a “home” in our resting/ventral state instead of our alert/arousal state so that we can access the full spectrum of our creative potential

-Number three: greater resilience for change and uncertainty; being able to function in a healthy way even when you have high loads of stress

-Number four: leadership; “the most powerful and influential person in the room is the one that knows how to regulate their nervous system”

-Number five: financial growth and prosperity; our nervous system will always be most comfortable with what's familiar, even if what we desire is unfamiliar (ex: more money) and so we have to train our nervous system to feel safer with the unfamiliar


-Follow Rewire on Instagram here

-Click here to book an enrollment call for Neurosomatics (as mentioned in the episode)

-Cait’s Instagram: 

-Click here for Cait’s FREE Masterclass

-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside

-Visit Lindsay’s Website 

*ALL the content talked about in these episodes should not be used as medical advice. These episodes are to be used for informational purposes only.