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Rewire The Podcast

Feb 6, 2024

Themes: The Lymphatic System, Lymphatic massage and drainage, Nervous system regulation


How often do you give attention to your bodies’ lymphatic system, and what are the true benefits of lymphatic massage and drainage? Cait and Lindsay are joined by Leah Levitan, a licensed massage therapist who specializes in lymphatics. Hear how Leah takes a multidimensional approach to helping her clients feel better, and learn the connection between what Leah says are the two most important systems in the body: the nervous system and the lymphatic system. 

Leah Levitan is a licensed massage therapist, certified lymphedema therapist, and lymph literacy advocate. She’s the owner of Align Massage + Lymphatics in Austin Texas, and is the Founder of Lymph Love Club. She helps humans, in person and online, heal beyond what they thought was possible using the power of their lymphatic system.

Show Notes:

-How Leah became educated and interested in the importance of the lymphatic system, and how she began incorporating it into her massage business; her multidimensional approach to help people feel heal

-Leah’s experiences of working with clients who have chronic illness and pain; how she brings joy and softness to the practice of taking care of the lymphatic system

-An overview of the lymph, “our bodies’ waste removal system”

-What to expect during a lymphatic massage; how lymphatic drainage works

-The connection between the lymphatic system and the nervous system 

-Leah leads Cait and Lindsay through the “big six” of the lymph system, giving listeners an idea of how a lymphatic drainage session goes 


-Follow Rewire on Instagram here

-Visit Leah’s website here

-Follow Leah on Instagram here

-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside

-Visit Lindsay’s Website 

-Cait’s Instagram: 

-Click here for Cait’s FREE Masterclass

*ALL the content talked about in these episodes should not be used as medical advice. These episodes are to be used for informational purposes only.