Jul 9, 2024
Themes: Nervous System Regulation, Mind-Body Connection
Do you have a tendency to overthink your decisions, or to ignore the signals your body sends you when you are faced with difficult choices? Cait shares five reasons why you should be consulting with your body more than your mind, and how to begin fostering that connection.
Show Notes:
-Reason one: The 80/20 rule. 80% of your thoughts, feelings, actions and habits are a result of the information that’s being communicated form your body to your brain. Only 20% comes from your brain; yet we are often told that our mindset is the number one important thing. If we’re only using our minds or letting our minds always lead, we are missing 80% of the puzzle as to what’s really happening inside of us.
-Reason two: Story follows state. The thought and ideas we have about what’s possible is the result of the state of our nervous system. Whatever state we’re operating from dictates our thoughts.
-Reason three: The body speaks a different languag ; “felt sense”’; if we only use our mind, we are missing all the important cues and information that our bodies are trying to communicate with us.
-Reason four: Our body is a show system, not a tell system. It must be shown and not simply told what is safe.
-Reason five: The body remembers what the mind forgets.
-Our minds are important, but our bodies and nervous systems must be prioritized in order to achieve our desires in a way that feels easeful, more fulfilling and more sustainable.
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-Cait’s Instagram: @caitmurphy.co
-Click here for Cait’s FREE Masterclass
-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside
-Visit Lindsay’s Website
*ALL the content talked about in these episodes should not be used as medical advice. These episodes are to be used for informational purposes only.