Aug 27, 2024
Themes: Identity, Spirituality, Authentic Expression
Have you wondered what role identity plays in unlocking your success? Nora Virginia is an intuitive business coach, podcast host, and meditation & breathwork facilitator. After climbing the ladder for nearly a decade in corporate America, a few spiritual awakenings, and ugly cries in the office bathroom, she did what we’ve all imagined doing at one point - left her cushy, high-paying finance career behind to pursue her dream of being a spiritual coach and thought leader in the personal development space. Nora is obsessed with helping online coaches build six-figure online businesses organically through blending spirituality with simple, proven business strategies. Listen to this episode to learn all about Nora’s expertise.
Show Notes:
- Going off path can lead you onto the path to success
- Your identity is how you see yourself, not how others see you
- Who we believe we are impacts how we think, feel, and what actions we do or don’t take
- Common steps to shift your identity
- Common barriers people face while trying to cultivate their identity
- The key to transforming your identity is self-love and compassion, not self-sabotage or shame
- Social media only shows a part of someone’s reality, not their entire life- don’t compare yourself to them
- You don’t need to seek out things you don’t have yet; appreciate what you have right now
- Nora’s Instagram: @iamnoravirginia and visit her website:
- Listen to Nora’s Podcast: Glow Up to Blow Up
- Elevate 30 Day Trial Use Promo Code: podcast
- Cait’s Instagram: and visit Cait's Website
- Click here for Cait's FREE Masterclass
- Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside or TikTok: @myvitalside
- Visit Lindsay's Website
- Click here for Lindsay’s FREE Brain Retraining Guide