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Rewire The Podcast

Nov 19, 2024

Themes: PANS, PANDAS, Mold Illness, Homeopathy


Have you noticed that your kids have had a behavior change? More outbursts? Melt downs? Even OCD like tendencies? It may not be OCD at all… It may be PANS, Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome, often linked to Mold Illness. To Talk about this today, we have Vital-Side Operations Manager, homeopathy student, and mother of 3, Lori Weir.

Lori’s 3 kids have all been affected by mold and chronic illness, specifically PANS & MCAS, ranging over the years since 2018. She has a background in psychology and is currently studying homeopathy after it played a huge part in her and her kids' healing. She is passionate about helping others see their own capability for self-healing. Listen to this episode to hear Lori’s story and learn about the signs and symptoms that may be linked to your child’s chronic illness. 

Show Notes:

- Lori’s daughter’s sudden symptoms led to a diagnosis of PANDAS after strep in 2018

- Her son’s appendix infection didn’t present like a typical infection due to PANS

- PANS symptoms can include OCD, anxiety, depression, rage, suicidal thoughts, and uncontrollable bladder which can be misdiagnosed as mentall illnesses

- Mold could be the cause for PANS in your child

- Finding mold in her shower and kitchen

- Having to throw away all their clothes due to mold in the washing machine

- Lori overcoming her fear of mold

- Lori’s sister’s HVAC system was full of mold, causing similar symptoms in her family

- Homeopathy and brain retraining with Vital-Side have helped Lori and her family heal


- Black Friday Vital-Side Sale starting 9am November 29th-11:59pm December 5th CST for 25% off the first subscription on all Vital-Side programs & 50% off private sessions 

- Schedule a time to talk with Lori inside Vital-Side 

- Read A Mold Story blog post Mold in House? The Science, Remediation, and More

- Listen to Rewire Ep. 62 Lori Weir's Wild Healing Journey, Recovering from MCAS, POTS & Rheumatoid Arthritis

- Listen to Rewire Ep. 81 Model Regulation to Your Kids with Vital-Side Facilitator, Lori Weir

- Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside or TikTok: @myvitalside

- Visit Lindsay's Website

- Click here for Lindsay’s FREE Brain Retraining Guid

- Cait’s Instagram: 

- Visit Cait's Website

- Click here for Cait's FREE Masterclass