Jan 18, 2022
Have you experienced chronic symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, or increased anxiety? We’re talking with bio-hacking expert, Faith Ashenden to dive deeper into the mind-body connection, the role our beliefs play in our wellness journeys, and how to find the right practitioner to support you. Throughout her healing journey, Faith has helped people with chronic illnesses optimize their time and be proactive about their health. She explains how to develop healthy belief systems that can reshape your reality and why quantum leaps are just baby steps in disguise.
Faith is a global empowerment coach and the Founder and CEO of That Healing Feeling. Her goal is to help women get their health back, empower them to ask the right questions, bust through limiting beliefs, detox their environments and bodies, and start using food as medicine.
Episode Show Notes:
-Faith’s experience with chronic illness and the traditional healthcare system
-How to find the right health practitioner for you
-Your belief system creates your reality
-How to invest in your healing journey daily
-Finding a team of people that empower you
-Adopting the “healing is not linear” mindset
-Visit Faith’s Website
-Follow Faith on Instagram
-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco
-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside
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