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Rewire The Podcast

Feb 15, 2022

Have you ever felt held back by burnout or experienced symptoms of burnout and didn’t know how to move forward? We’re speaking with burnout expert & past corporate HR leader, Allessadria Polizzi, to discuss how burnout can affect your everyday life and how it can manifest in the workplace. Al also shares insights on how you can break old habits that fuel burnout, common causes of burnout, and ways you can create resilience in your own life. 

Al has 20 years of experience leading teams across multiple industries and has been named a top 100 HR professional of 2020. Following her own recovery from burnout in 2021, she left her Head of People position to start her own corporate training & coaching business. In her work, Al implements the latest resiliency, burnout prevention, and psychological safety research and teaches practical simple skills to help teams in the workplace flourish. Al is also the co-founder of the Kite HR wellbeing app designed for HR teams, and she shares the latest discoveries on these topics on the Be Verdant Podcast

Show Notes:

-The pivotal moment that brought Al to where she is today 

-How burnout is affecting the workplace & employee dynamics

-The main causes of burnout 

-The biggest barriers companies face to address burnout 

-Simple tools to increase your emotional intelligence and agility 

-Finding realistic ways to be present through mindfulness 


-Al’s Website 

-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco

-Cait’s Website

-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside

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