Jun 21, 2022
Are you wondering how you can better connect with & use your intuition to make everyday decisions? Whether it’s the next healing modality, the next investment in your business, or just simply the next activity you want to do that day, Cait & Lindsay discuss how you can connect to your intuition in a way that aligns with your greater purpose.
They share how connecting with your intuition can give you clarity on your core desires and feelings and create intentional space each day. Cait shares more on how Human Design has helped her stay aligned with how she best makes decisions & how you can use the framework to connect with your own personal intuition.
Show Notes:
-Cait shares how she tunes in & connects with her intuition
-The importance of taking space – small micro breaks each day, wellness sabbaticals, etc.
-Tuning into your body to listen to the cues its giving you to identify if something is a yes or no
-How Cait uses Human Design & her sacral authority to tune into what is a yes and what is a no and tuning into when the timing is right
-Our modern culture’s emphasis on “doing more” and how Lindsay shifts into “being” mode
-Creating more space for creativity, new ideas, reading & just being with ourselves
-Inactivity & doing “nothing” as a tool to cultivate more creativity in our businesses and in our lives
-Lindsay’s go-to tools: getting outside every morning, connecting with movement & exercise, micro-breaks throughout the day
-The power of simplifying
-Discover your Human Design: https://www.myhumandesign.com/
-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside
-Join Lindsay in her community: The Vital-Side Membership
-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco
-Visit Cait’s Website
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