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Rewire The Podcast

Jul 5, 2022

Are you asking yourself how to maintain and connect with your personal freedom during uncertain times? The overturning of Roe v. Wade has left many women and people feeling like their freedom has been taken away from them. Lindsay and Cait discuss ways you can still connect with that innate sense of autonomy in the face of societal turmoil. 

Lindsay and Cait talk about how to maintain your resilience, the way our unique experiences inform how we deal with challenging times, and clear-cut ways we can practice self-compassion to take action for ourselves. 

Show Notes:

-As women in America, we have felt like there is a big freedom that was taken away from us

-We can feel like life situations, health situations, or political situations can take away our personal freedoms

-Come back to the question, “What is my personal limit today?”

-Connect with your body, “How is my body reacting to this situation?”

-Allow yourself the ability to talk about an acute emotion

-Give your body a break when it needs one

-Taking action looks different for everyone & can simply be processing your challenging emotions

-How we experience a life event: we have a thought, emotion, reaction, and outcome

-We can take action from an intentional, clear, and regulated place

-Practicing self-compassion is one of the biggest ways we can take action

-Coming back to your body by asking yourself, “What do I need right now?”


-Listen to Rewire Episode 40: Using Your Intuition to Create Alignment In Your Decisions

-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside

-Information on Vital-Side programs and private sessions here

-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco

-Visit Cait’s Website

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