Aug 23, 2022
Are you wondering how you can establish strong boundaries in today’s fast-paced world? Lindsay and Cait discuss how to set boundaries and cultivate more self-compassion. They also dive into addressing the root of people-pleasing tendencies (i.e. the fawn response), compassion fatigue, and learning how to put on your own oxygen mask first.
Show Notes:
- Lindsay’s perspective on self-compassion
- Self-awareness, kindness, and common humanity as the main ingredients of compassion
- The “oxygen mask” analogy in giving ourselves compassion before we can give it to others
- Cultivating healthy boundaries as a tool to cultivate self-compassion (especially for caregivers)
- The power of saying “no”
- Regular check-in’s to ensure there is alignment with your daily activities & to-do’s and your core values
- Cait’s experience using self-compassion in her life
- Empathy + action: this creates a forward-moving trajectory in our lives to cultivate the habit of self-compassion
- Allow yourself space to feel all your feelings – give yourself a container to do this on a regular basis
- Stepping away from the “people pleasing” nature or the “fawn response”
- In order to set a boundary, we have to start small. Find one area where saying “no” feels accessible to start. The more frequently you do this, the easier it becomes.
- Recognize your personal body cues that feel like an aligned ‘yes’ or an aligned ‘no’
- Ask yourself: “What need is being met by shifting my focus towards others and away from myself?”
- Compassion fatigue is common among founders, leaders or teams who feel like they are focused on others more consistently. This is an invitation to turn inwards & prioritize your own needs.
- The fawn response: a stress or trauma response that includes people-pleasing behaviors; feeling challenged by self-expression; stifling your own desires or needs; having trouble setting boundaries; being overly apologetic; assuming responsibilities for the emotional reactions of others
- Through self-awareness, ask yourself: “Is it kindness or am I fawning?”
- Remember: compassion is an innate skill that exists within all of us
-Link to the Rewire: The Vital-Side Membership
-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside
-Visit Lindsay’s website
-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco
-Visit Cait’s Website
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