Sep 6, 2022
What is the difference between mindset work and nervous system regulation? Are they the same thing or are they different? While the brain (i.e. the mind in action) is part of your nervous system… traditional mindset work can leave a gap that nervous system regulation can fill in helping you to unlock and reach your infinite potential. In this episode, we talk about the power of your nervous system and the role it plays in your everyday life… from what you think, to how you move, what you feel, and everything in between.
Show Notes:
-Lindsay defines the nervous system and shares more about the power it has to affect everything in our body and how we interact with the world around us
- The central nervous system vs the peripheral nervous system
- The nervous system’s role in maintaining homeostasis in our internal & external environments
- Top-down (mind-led) and bottom-up (body-led) approaches to use to regulate our nervous systems
- N.S. regulation can be done at home in simple, enjoyable ways
- We can be so focused on the “doing” rather than connecting with our “inner worlds”
- Traditional mindset work can miss the body side of the equation — we may need less “cognitive” tools and more “embodiment”
- The Pyramid of Potential -- move from doing (tangible strategy) to thinking (mindset work -- reframing beliefs & rewiring habits) to being (the nervous system combined with the mindset work)
- When we use this pyramid, we are able to shift the way that we create & show up for ourselves and in our businesses or careers
- Lindsay shares a visualization tool that combines top-down and bottom-up regulation to feel a sense of accomplishment — try it out with us!
-Link to the Rewire: The Vital-Side Membership
-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside
-Visit Lindsay’s website
-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco
-Visit Cait’s Website
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