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Rewire The Podcast

Sep 13, 2022

Are you wondering why you’re more and more limited in the foods you can eat? Or perhaps you have been diagnosed with IBS, SIBO, or another digestive condition with no known etiology. This week, Lindsay offers a look into the world of our relationship to food, food sensitivities we have, and how we can begin to shift our perspective on foods that can help ease physical symptoms. Lindsay also explains how the topic of food sensitivities is informed by toxic diet culture, some reasons why you might see some foods as “dangerous,” and how to live a life without fearing food. 

Show Notes:

-Basic overview of the information food sensitivity tests allow

-Deep diving into IgG – the meaning – and asking the question, “Why is my body responding like this food is dangerous?”

-Toxic diet culture and how that impacts our perception of food

-Why we can be empowered in our own healing journeys, knowing they are unique and individualized

-Information on the stress response and the fluctuating cortisol levels we experience - information on histamine and MAST cells

-Examples on how the brain impacts the body with food – addressing SIBO, Leaky Gut, and food sensitivities

-Why we need to stop always looking at the tests and start looking at how our bodies are responding

-Pausing to ask ourselves, “What does food allow me? What does it represent for me?”

-Using conscious thought to start to change subconscious beliefs and associations to foods - simple tools we can start to use with ourselves & our families


-Link to the Rewire: The Vital-Side Membership

-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside

-Visit Lindsay’s website

-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco

-Visit Cait’s Website

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