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Rewire The Podcast

Oct 4, 2022

Traveling can be taxing on our nervous system, and it can be difficult to find the time and space to check in with yourself while you’re on a plane, in a car, or exploring a new city. This week, Cait shares a detailed how-to guide and offers actionable and proactive steps you can take to ensure your nervous system is well cared for and regulated before and during your travels. 

Show Notes:

- Cait shares her recent personal experience with staying regulated while traveling to NYC

- How a woman's monthly cycle can add nuances while traveling

- Nervous system regulation tools while traveling:

- Engage in movement — stretch before your flight / car / bus ride, take a class in your destination city or watch a free class on YouTube, sweat it out for bonus detoxing

- Nature — find a park, put your bare feet in the grass, or lay down to ground yourself

- Music — Cait shares her go-to playlist to listen to when commuting from Point A to Point B (especially on long flights)

- Pack food & nourishing snacks — google health food stores ahead of your trip so you know the distance to/from the closest options from where you’re staying; pack your go-to healthy snacks to minimize airport food when possible

- Take space — engage in intentional breathing, solo time, & make intentional upgrades to your physical space when possible (i.e. seat upgrades for extra space on an airline flight)

- Bonus tip: research ahead of time! Save a google list of all your “saved” and pinned places for healthy food, grocery stores, workout classes & more

- Cait’s final and #1 tip: slow down, ease up on expectations to see and “do it all” while traveling, and be present to your surroundings


-Cait’s “Regulate and Elevate” Spotify Playlist

-”Weightless” Song

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-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco

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