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Rewire The Podcast

Oct 11, 2022

Do you ever find yourself faced with the social pressures of drinking alcohol? Does alcohol no longer align with your higher vibration and the ultimate vision you have for your dream life? Lindsay and Cait are joined by alcohol-free lifestyle expert, Amanda Kuda, who discusses the role alcohol can play in your life, in your social circles, and in manifesting your dreams. Amanda discusses Gray-Area Drinking, how to manage & overcome the social pressures of drinking, and why more and more people are choosing to live an alcohol-free lifestyle.

Amanda Kuda is a writer, intuitive coach, and mentor who helps leaders and entrepreneurs break up with booze so that they can break through to their best lives. Her biggest passion is teaching other high-achieving women how to navigate the stumbling blocks of going alcohol-free so you can step into a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Show Notes:

- Amanda’s story: how she used alcohol as a social lubricant in order to “fit in”

- In her 20s, she started to discover that there was more to life - she started her spiritual & personal development journey...but she still felt like something was off

- Switching the mentality from “doing more” to looking at her lifestyle to see if there was an activity that was misaligned; her inner guide told her it was drinking alcohol

- How to listen to your mind, body, and natural intuition to understand your own needs

- How alcohol can change your brain chemistry and alter your health

- Defining “gray area drinking” — what is is & why/how it causes challenges

- “You don’t need to have a problem with alcohol in order for it to be a problem in your life”

- Archetypes (by Gretchin Rubin) – 1. Moderators and 2. Abstainers

- Tapping into your own ability to create, reprogram your brain, and rewire mental processes when abstaining from alcohol

- Learning more information about what alcohol does to the brain on Andrew Huberman’s Podcast

- Amanda’s recommendation: take a 90-day break from alcohol to reconnect with your intuition without alcohol as a roadblock

- The Cosmic Algorithm: the Universe shows you content that aligns to your personal goals and values, including your social life, friendships, and personal relationships

- When shifting your relationship to alcohol, there may be shifts in your current friendships —this can be a good thing and lead to deeper & more authentic connections

- Curate your own life by shifting your focus (+ the science behind the Reticular Activating System (RAS) in our brains)

- Manifesting and how to shift your relationship with manifesting by breaking up with alcohol

- If you lower your energetic vibration & dilute yourself to a different energetic level, you require a heavier lift to get you back to your desires and highest potential

- Your destiny is closer than you imagine if you get out of your own way

- “Optimize your life by removing obstacles” by James Clear

- There is a paradigm shift occurring —we are becoming more focused on living vibrant lives inside & out; we are approaching an era where alcohol drinking is becoming less seductive


-Visit Amanda’s Website

-Amanda’s Instagram: @amandakuda

-Unbottled Potential Podcast

-Gretchen Rubin’s Podcast

-Andrew Huberman Podcast Episode on Alcohol and the Brain

-James Clear’s Book: Atomic Habits

-Visit the Vital-Side Homepage here

-Sign up for the Rewire: The Vital-Side Membership

-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside

-Visit Lindsay’s website

-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco

-Visit Cait’s Website

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