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Rewire The Podcast

Oct 18, 2022

Are you struggling to understand your brain and body’s impulse reactions to certain stressors or triggers in your life? This week, Lindsay shares tangible tools to begin your brain retraining journey, as well as breaking down and identifying what an acute stress response looks like, and the role our stress hormones play in that response, and shares a visualization exercise you can try from the comfort of your home. 

Show Notes:

-Identify the goals you have in your life – how & why to use brain retraining

-Going from unconscious brain retraining to intentional brain retraining

-Lindsay’s background in science and medicine & interest in optimizing health

-Understanding and defining our own perfect storm after exposure to toxins or trauma

-Definition of the acute stress response – toggling in and out of fight-flight-freeze

-Example of the stress response in animals

-How the stress response can show up in our lives as physical, mental, or emotional symptoms

-Example of how the brain changes using the example of the stress hormone, cortisol

-Information on Epigenetics with Dr. Bruce Lipton

-What happens when we make intentional changes to our brains using the example of dopamine

-The difference between avoiding stressors and triggers & recognizing your capacity to start to regulate your autonomic nervous system

-A BONUS Nervous System Regulation tool using visualization & breath: go from acute fight-flight-freeze to connect with your own natural resilience


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-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco

-Visit Cait’s Website

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