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Rewire The Podcast

Nov 1, 2022

Are you a new parent wondering how to regulate your nervous system? Lindsay and Cait are joined by Dr. Alex Mosley, a Texas-based chiropractor and a holistic wellness practitioner where they dive into the complexities of managing your nervous system while navigating the world of parenting. Alex discusses why she believes fight or flight isn’t always a “negative” response, why and how we can let go of “Mom-shaming”, and how we can begin to normalize temporary nervous system dysregulation as a new parent.

Show Notes:

-Alex’s personal story of how she discovered nervous system regulation work and her journey with allopathic medicine, leading her to realize the need for a more holistic view on health as a chiropractor

-The difference Alex felt between being in the waiting room of a chiropractor vs. a traditional medical doctor

-Alex’s experience as a new parent -- feeling contradictory emotions all at once, along with the dichotomy of being pregnant and being a new mom

-Alex’s choice to do a home birth

-Alex’s journey with postpartum high-functioning anxiety + weaving in old threads of her life with new threads of being a Mom & parent

-Shifting your mindset away from “How can I decrease or get rid of this stress response?” to “How can I allow myself to be in this stress response effectively because it's a normal part of being a new Mom?”

-Alex’s experience with “Mom rage” when her daughter was ~3 months old -- this is a sign of unmet needs

-Parents need to take a step back and do their own healing work; as a result of mirror neurons, parents condition children to feel what they feel and act how they act

-Being a parent allows you to tap into a whole new level of surrender, which allows parents to learn & grow

-Babies need to securely attach to their caretakers.

-Debunking the myth of babies “sleeping through the night” and how that relates to Attachment Theory

-Relearning as your baby grows & develops – Alex’s experience with a “new baby” every month that her daughter, Georgia grows

-Gaining confidence and alignment in the decisions you are making as a Mom – through collective learning; community & support; and connecting to your own intuition – as anecdotes to “Mom shaming”

-Alex’s advice on regulating your nervous system in a realistic way as a new Mom – get back to basics & release expectations:

1) Make sure your decisions are in alignment with YOU – “if it doesn’t feel right to you, it’s not right for you”

2) Showering more often – let freezing cold water pour over you at the end of your shower

3) Make sure to eat – one-handed foods are helpful for easy eating on-the-go

4) Alex’s adrenal cocktail that is necessary to replenish minerals that are depleted after being in a state of fight-flight

5) Addressing in resources you need like counseling, housekeeping, or Instacart


-Visit Alex’s Website

-Alex’s Instagram: @thespecificatx

-Listen to Alex’s Podcast You Crack Me Up: The Chiropractic Show

-Book: “Mama Rising” by Amy Taylor-Kabbaz

-Regulation station: 1 Week of Free Access! Click ‘join now.’ 

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-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside

-Visit Lindsay’s Website

-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco

-Visit Cait’s Website

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