Nov 15, 2022
How can we rewire our brains & bodies to experience more ease in our work and in the ways we earn & make money? This week, Lindsay and Cait are joined by the Heal and Hustle CEO, Cara Barone, to discuss how you can use somatic practices to rewire how you work, earn & lead so you can experience more ease and less overwhelm in your daily life. Join us to explore how to rewire your automatic “default” reactions, how our current “do more” culture sets us up for nervous system dysregulation, and how to embrace uncomfortable emotions to build successful careers, businesses, and lives with more ease and joy.
Cara Barone is an international nervous system business coach who has over a decade of experience in international marketing and consulting experience. She specializes in helping 6 + 7 figure CEOs heal the hustle — to rewire how they work, earn and lead from a place of more peace + fun by decreasing anxiety, overwhelm, and the pressure of life and business.
Show Notes:
- Cara’s story: how she went from a high-paced/adrenaline/climbing of the corporate ladder culture to complete burnout & isolation
- During burnout, Cara was reacting to everything, even lettuce. She got certified as a health coach to learn more about healing
- Cara shifted to business coaching, and during that transition, found out she had Mold Illness (CIRS), which was the catalyst for moving from London to Australia
- During 2020, she felt completely alone in her healing journey as a result of complete nervous system overwhelm, and she started the journey to regulate her nervous system
- Cara’s shift and pivot in her business – burning down her original IG account & starting @healthehustle
- Nervous systems mirror nervous systems
- We have to be WILLING to work and earn differently before things can change
- Awareness is the first step to changing how we work, earn & lead
- What is the cost of staying the same / the cost of not working differently?
- Rewiring our beliefs to support what we want and how we want it
- Bringing awareness that there can be a different way that may feel uncomfortable, it doesn’t mean it’s bad, it means that it’s different. Safety can feel different and uncomfortable because it’s unfamiliar to you
- Information on old belief systems that are created from young ages - understanding that we are often believing antiquated statements that are no longer relevant to our lives
- We are often reacting to experiences from our past, rather than situations in front of us. Does your reaction match the circumstance? If not, this may be your inner child reacting & your nervous system responding from their perspective (i.e. “am I making a 2 a 10?”)
- Find the part in your body that is reacting using basic somatic principles
- Get to know the cues and the clues of your body - start to check-in: “What do I need right now?”
- Simple regulation tools: shaking the body, standing in the sun, and body scans to help you attune with your body
-Cara’s Instagram: @heal.the.hustle
-Visit Cara’s Website:
-Visit the Vital-Side Homepage here
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-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside
-Visit Lindsay’s Website
-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco
-Visit Cait’s Website
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