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Rewire The Podcast

Dec 20, 2022

Are you wanting to set intentions rather than resolutions for the new year? With 2023 right around the corner, Lindsay and Cait talk about ways to avoid falling off the New Year’s resolution bandwagon come February by not only setting specific intentions that resonate with your goals, but also by addressing your current environment, distinguishing the difference between instinct and intuition, and tapping into the idea of what you THINK you should have.

Show Notes:

- Resolution vs. Intention: resolution - a firm decision to do something; intention - a determination to act in a certain way to achieve an aim or goal

- How setting intentions (instead of resolutions) can allow us more flexibility and adaptability

- Reflecting & taking inventory on the year you just had

- Ask yourself: “Who do I want to be next year?”

- Lindsay’s process: drawing pictures, visuals, and words to take inventory of her last year to get focus & clarity on who she is and where she’s going

- Every year, our process of reflection can look very different, we can evolve this process as we continue to curate our growth mindset

- Cait’s process: asking herself, “What feels good?” then balancing that with, “What might I be resisting that might serve me?”

- We can be intentional about our end-of-year environment in order to give ourselves the space we need to reflect

- Get clear on core desired feelings - when we use this process daily over the course of a few weeks, we can begin to feel our bodies and ask ourselves, “What does my body want and need?”

- Cait uses Danielle Laporte’s process to identify 3-5 core feelings that allow her to connect to meditate on the word, then see if she has the somatic response to it

- Being able to sit with a word & discover how your body is impacted by the word

- Words are the meaning we give them; if you’re someone that wants to get clear on your core desired feelings, you can give yourself the space to let your body tell you to activate the feelings you want to feel

- The RAS (Reticular Activating System) in our brain and the role it plays in allowing us to focus in on particular themes in our daily lives

- Ideas to connect with reflection: take one page in your journal and make a list of the things that you did, lessons learned, themes, feelings felt, experiences had, etc. over the past year

- Keep it simple – choose 1-3 words that you want to be the theme for the next year of your life



-Visit the Vital-Side Homepage here

-Sign up for the Rewire: The Vital-Side Membership

-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside

-Visit Lindsay’s Website

-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco

-Visit Cait’s Website

-Information on Danielle Laporte


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