Dec 27, 2022
Do you ever feel like life (or at least 1 aspect of your life) seems just a little bit (or maybe even significantly) harder than it really needs to be? This week, Lindsay and Cait are joined by Dani and Paloma, the founders of In the Cortex to talk about brain reorganization and how we can reorganize our brains and unlearn patterns by recreating early movement in our bodies. In today’s episode, Dani and Paloma share their individual journeys that led them to discover brain reorganization and how they help people move from a disorganized brain to an organized one (and what that means). You’ll learn the symptoms of a disorganized brain; why babies crawl & the specific way the human brain develops; why how you move tells the story of your nervous system and how to better support your children’s learning habits to set them up for success as an adult.
Show Notes:
- Paloma’s story: her brother’s childhood journey experiencing a disability in Mexico City & finding brain reorganization to help him in his ADHD challenges, in his relationships, and experiencing a fuller life
- Dani’s story: her brother’s journey, being challenged with developmental issues and recognizing her own developmental issues, which led her family to discover brain reorganization
- Definition of a disorganized brain: the neurological foundation of the brain is not working as optimally as can be
- Definition of primitive reflexes: movement patterns that correlate to parts of the brain that are meant to be automatic (breathing, digestion, regulating heart rate, REM sleep, coordinating left and right hemispheres)
- Kids spend less and less time moving on the floor which can negatively impact their ability to integrate primitive reflexes
- Signs of a disorganized brain: attention challenges like ADHD, low energy levels, crippling anxiety, certain behavioral patterns – such impulsivity, impatience, and procrastination; responding to your environment in a survival-based way
- How to support your child’s brain development: 1) start with yourself & model what you want your kids to do 2) prioritize connection & attachment 3) remember that “less is more”
- You can do everything to aid your children in their development, but many times they need extra assistance in forming primitive reflexes
- “The way you move tells us exactly what’s happening in your brain”
- Simple physical movements can shift and reorganize the brain
- Modeling to children what you want them to do and how to behave is the key step in regulating the nervous systems of your children
- Before one year of age, make sure your baby’s default position is on their tummy (do it on and off as much as possible all day long)
- Anxiety is the #1 sign that you are in survival mode because your brain is processing your life as threatening
- “We all have the power to take charge of our brains.”
- Start with “creeping” and integrating the “fear paralysis reflex” as an adult
- In The Cortex’s brain reorganization program: work on 10 different primitive reflexes and integrate them through basic movements (i.e. creeping and crawling) & rewire any subconscious limiting beliefs
-Sign up for In the Cortex program in 2022: take advantage of the Dec. sale for 22% discount
-Sign up for In the Cortex program in 2023: use coupon code REWIRE for 20% off
-Book: Reflexes, Learning & Behavior by Sally Goddard
-Free intro to brain reorganization course
-In the Cortex Instagram: @inthecortex_us
-In the Cortex Facebook: @inthecortex_us
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-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco
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