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Rewire The Podcast

Jan 10, 2023

In the health and wellness world, it can be easy to get lost in the overload of information that exists about food- and even easier to get pulled into limiting beliefs surrounding what we eat. In this episode, Lindsay and Cait are joined by Whitney Aronoff, a personal chef who helps challenge these limiting beliefs and helps her clients replace “diet culture” with intuitive eating practices- such as getting acquainted with the vibrations of what we consume, trusting our gut, eating with the seasons, appreciating the pleasure of eating, and more. 

Whitney Aronoff is a Health Supportive Personal Chef in Laguna Beach, California. She is passionate about wellness, the vibration of food, and supporting others in living their best life. As a personal chef she prepares custom meals and dinner parties for her clients, and shares her seasonal recipes on Starseed Kitchen. Knowing that a healthy diet is just one layer of being well, in 2021 she launched the podcast High Vibration Living With Chef Whitney Aronoff. She interviews experts on healthy eating, cooking, wellness, beauty, travel and spirituality to help others find the modalities and tips to help them feel their best.  Chef Whitney believes the healthiest meal you can eat is the one you make at home, and she aims to invite people into their kitchen, feeling empowered to make healthy choices for themselves and their loved ones and to experience high vibration living.

Show Notes:

-Whitney’s personal journey from leaving a corporate job in PR to attending culinary school and eventually starting the business she owns today 

-Learning to appreciate the joy behind eating, and experiencing pleasure in food 

-The connection between food and the brain; using what you eat as fuel to steer your mind and life in the direction you desire

-The “balance test”; an example of how to choose food intuitively no matter where you are

-Trusting the wisdom of your own body, and learning how to listen when it is telling you what it needs 

-Whitney’s experiences with self-awareness around food, and tuning out the opinions of others (and toxic societal messages as a whole) when it comes to how she nourishes herself 

-How food can be grounding and the nervous system component of  the digestive process 

-Discussing the energy of eating; a different definition of “comfort food”

-Finding the balance of nourishing yourself in a healthy way that works for you, while letting go of the need to be rigid about your eating practices 

-Limiting beliefs and mindfulness around food

-The energetic connection between the emotions that you are currently feeling, and the food/drink you are currently craving 

-Leaning into eating from an intuitive place 



-Whitney's personal Instagram: @whitneyaronoff

-Whitney's company Instagram: @starseedkitchen

-Whitney's website:

-Eric Braverman Books

-Louis Hayes: “You Can Heal Your Life”

-Visit the Vital-Side Homepage here

-Sign up for the Rewire: The Vital-Side Membership

-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside

-Visit Lindsay’s Website

-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco

-Visit Cait’s Website


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