Feb 7, 2023
Themes: Enneagram, Self Discovery, Self Identity, Personal Growth, Leadership Development, Career & Workplace Advancement, Professional Growth
Have you ever taken a personality test and the results just don’t quite seem to fit? Have you ever struggled to understand and relate to others around you? In this episode of Rewire, Cait and Lindsay are joined by Enneagram expert Amanda Workman, who talks through the intricacies of the Enneagram of Personality. She discusses the real life applications of knowing your Enneagram type and using that knowledge to help you dive deeper into your own personal growth, along with gaining a better understanding of others. Amanda also takes us through how she uses her knowledge of the Enneagram to change the dynamics of workplace environments for the better.
Amanda Workman is an international consultant, corporate trainer and facilitator who is happiest when on an airplane heading towards her next adventure. Her mission is to support and empower global managers and leaders within the ever-changing global workforce. Her consulting company brings a unique perspective to leadership competencies, team interaction, and self-awareness to support people in reaching personal & personal success and fulfillment.
Show Notes:
-Amanda’s first encounter of the Enneagram in college, and how she shifted her studies to incorporate it
-What Enneagram is, its origins, and why it's such a powerful tool in self identity and personal growth
-The inner work that comes along with diving into your Enneagram type
-The most important part of Enneagram; learning the motivation behind behavior
-A description of the nine Enneagram types, specifically what the driving force is for each one
-The groups or “triads” within the nine types
-How to start leveraging the knowledge you gain when you find out your own type, and even the types of people close to you; questions you can start asking yourself, and resources to turn to
-The spirituality of the Enneagram
-Some personal examples from Amanda of her behavior and motivations as a type 2
-How Enneagram can be used to communicate more effectively in personal and professional settings
-The importance of first gaining self awareness before trying to understand others
-Amanda’s advice on where to start if you are wanting to learn about your Enneagram type
-Get 20% off a one-on-one typing session with Amanda through the end of this month if you mention Rewire!
-Click here to visit Amanda’s website
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-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco
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