Apr 25, 2023
Themes: Alternative Medicine, Flower Essence Therapy, Holistic Health & Wellness
What exactly is a “flower essence” and what are its benefits for the mind, body, and spirit? Cait & Lindsay are joined by flower alchemy expert, Katie Hess. Katie shares her nearly lifelong experience with the power of flower medicine, explains how exactly it all works along with long term and short benefits, and even walks us through the specific uses of her own healing flower elixirs that she shares with the world through her company, Lotus Wei.
Katie Hess is an expert of flower alchemy - using the healing power of flowers to awaken to our true potential. She travels the world in search of rare flowers with the healing qualities most needed today. Katie captures the activating lifeforce flowers and translates it into an accessible method to bring more ease, creativity, focus, inspired action, joy & more into our daily lives. Katie and her company Lotus Wei now have over 150 elixirs, used by people in more than 50 countries.
Show Notes:
-An intro to Katie and her company, Lotus Wei
-Katie’s personal journey through “the power of flowers”: from being a kid playing in nature to traveling the globe and developing a deep understanding of plant/flower medicine; the impact Katie knows that flower medicine can have on individuals and therefore the world; starting with 1:1 clients and eventually founding a successful company with zero business training or experience
-What a flower essence actually is, and different ways they can be used; Katie’s explanation of “botanical wifi” and the energy that flowers carry, emit, and amplify within ourselves; the process of how water brings us the healing energies of flowers, and how this helps us bring us back into our natural state of ease and joy
-How flower essences help heal physical ailments and assist in mental and energetic challenges; how they can help you uproot trauma and work through emotional blocks
-Cait’s personal experience with Lotus Wei elixirs
-More details about the benefits of flower medicine, and references to specific elixirs through Lotus Wei; how you find out which elixir to start with through their online quiz; how to match flower elixirs with your current needs & goals
-”The power of flowers” : Flower alchemy is a tool that helps us optimize and empower ourselves physically, energetically, physiologically, and emotionally
-Click here to take the “flower quiz”
-Click here to visit Lotus Wei’s website
-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco
-Visit Cait’s Website
-Visit the Vital-Side Homepage here
-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside
-Visit Lindsay’s Website
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