Jun 7, 2023
Themes: Somatics, Inner Child Healing, Mind-body Connection, Personal Development
Introducing The NeuroSomatics Certification Program, with Cait Ross and Laura Larios
What would become possible for you if you could:
Learn how to regulate your nervous system using a somatics (body-based) approach and help your clients do the same
Take your coaching skills to the next level
Grow your business, practice or platform with more ease and flow
Bring nervous system work & your own unique expertise to the world in a fulfilling and profitable way
Join an intimate group of changemakers to shape the future of the coaching & human transformation industries
Cait invites you to book an Enrollment Discovery call with her & her colleague, (and past Rewire guest) Laura Larios to learn more about their NeuroSomatics Certification program and explore if it’s a fit for you!
Episode details:
How can incorporating somatic work into your life change the way you are healing and growing? Cait walks us through what somatic work is, how it works, and why addressing our bodies just as much as our minds is so important when we are upleveling our lives. Cait dives deep into how using various somatic tools, such as Inner Child Work can support us in healing & regulating our nervous systems.
Show Notes:
-Intro to the NeuroSomatics Certification Program
-What is somatics?
-What is keeping you from reaching the next level in life; how something from years ago could still be affecting you today (inner child healing)
-The significance our early years have on our development; how we form a whole preschool of inner children in our mind from our earliest traumas
-80% of what's happening in our reality is partly due to the communication that's happening between our bodies and our brains
-Getting our inner children on board with our deepest desires; creating safety in our bodies; part of somatics is getting intimately acquainted with these inner children
-How our inner children come to be; how we have parts of us that are still operating from a child's perspective
-Meeting and attuning to the emotional needs of our inner child
-Communicating to our nervous system with somatics (sensations; feelings in our body)
-Why mindset tools cannot be successful as they can unless they are paired with somatic tools
-How our inner “protector” or coping mechanisms melt away when we do somatic work & inner child healing
-Connecting our brains and bodies together; attuning our adult selves with our childhood selves; why this can transform your healing and growth
- Click here to book an Enrollment call and learn more about the NeuroSomatics Certification Program
-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco
-Visit Cait’s Website
-Visit the Vital-Side Homepage here
-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside
-Visit Lindsay’s Website
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