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Rewire The Podcast

Jun 21, 2023

Themes: Somatic Work, Nervous System Regulation, Mind Body Connection, Personal Development

SIGN UP FOR THE WAITLIST for Vital-Side's newest course, Reboot, launching June 30th.

Reboot is a virtual course designed for people on the verge of burnout to break the chronic stress cycle again & again using structured protocols. If you're finding yourself running on the hamster wheel of life, unable to feel connected because of stress & overwhelm, Reboot will be a resource to you as you re-discover who you are when you press pause & reboot your dysregulated nervous system. Commit to 15 minutes of practice/ day & learn to live more dynamically in your life when dealing with a life transition like a breakup, job change, becoming a parent, or simply adding tools to your toolbox in your self-discovery journey. Sign up for the Reboot Waitlist to snag a deal & gain first access.


Episode details:

How many times have you heard the words, “Everything happens for a reason”? While this phrase and mantra can support the divinity that exists and is present throughout our human lives; it also can hold us back from processing the very real human sensations and feelings that can arise inside of us during challenging or difficult situations or circumstances. Cait and Lindsay unpack how we can process difficult emotions without needing to assign a purpose or reason to every one of them.


Show Notes:

-Reminder to sign up for the Reboot waitlist

-Cait’s recent experience with her somatic practitioner; connecting with sensations in her stomach first, then accessing the emotion of disappointment, and how she let herself feel and move through the emotion without needing to make meaning of the disappointment

-Learning to give our bodies the chance to send us messages without feeling the need to “fix” or “do” something afterwards, and why this an important skill to learn 

-How the phrase “everything happens for a reason” can be invalidating to the experiences your body wants to move through

-Living in a mind-centric society and why the body is just as important for healing, growth & realizing our infinite potential 

-Practical tools Cait & Lindsay use to foster intentional connection with their bodies, and how you can start to practice this in your own life



-Click here to sign up for the Reboot waitlist

-Visit the Vital-Side Homepage here

-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside

-Visit Lindsay’s Website

-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco

-Visit Cait’s Website


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