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Rewire The Podcast

Jan 17, 2023

Some of us have experienced hitting a spot in our healing journey where it seems like we are doing all the work, but there is still a piece missing. In this episode, Cait discusses how sometimes, this missing piece is held trauma that wasn’t even ours in the first place. Going into detail about her experiences with plant medicine, Cait describes how shedding this trauma can be instrumental in the healing process, and in bettering your everyday life.

***Disclaimer*** Cait is not a licensed medical doctor or healthcare professional. The information about plant medicine given in the episode is based purely on her own experience and opinions and is not meant to be medical advice. Cait does not claim that plant medicine is a cure for any symptoms or conditions.


Show Notes:

-The science behind ancestral/held trauma 

-Types of plant medicines: “teacher” vs. “ally” and how they benefit the user in different ways 

-Cait’s first experience with plant medicine, taken with her partner and lead by a facilitator 

-The importance of setting intentions with this type of practice, and Cait’s intentions before her first experience 

-Cait’s second solo experience with plant medicine; how it differed and how it led her to realize she was holding onto ancestral trauma

-The grief Cait found she was storing in her body from her grandmother, and how her body released it during this plant medicine experience 

-How to know if you are holding unprocessed trauma, picked up from others around you or passed down ancestrally 

-Other ways & tools to help you process and let go of these traumas besides plant medicine 



-Visit the Vital-Side Homepage here

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-Lindsay’s Instagram: @myvitalside

-Visit Lindsay’s Website

-Cait’s Instagram: @caitrossco

-Visit Cait’s Website


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